Beard Trim
Beard grooming is not so easy since everyone starts growing it to achieve a certain look. Beards continue to grow and trimming them with quality grooming scissors and trimmers helps it grow faster and keeps them in good shape. Although management of split ends is necessary our experts do not only manage the split ends, they also even out the asymmetrical spots for heather growth of beard. Oiling the beard with high-quality oils, using moisturizers and aseptic techniques takes things to the next level. It will neat your edges of your beard and will give a perfect nice look.

Beard Line up
When a man needs to look well and groomed at the same time the first thing that gets noticed is their beard as the jaw and collar outlines of a neat beard are emphasized. From the bottom of the low fade to the mustache’s border, cheek lines extend down each cheekbone. Necklines link in the middle, exactly over your Adam’s apple (throat), and go from corner to corner, beneath the dental arch. Although it appears to be an easy task, lining up your beard requires some effort because we not only have to shave your lines with a cut tail razor but also balance and sharpen them. Our masters will keep them in shape and balance the sides with accuracy.